
Orange, a collaboration between Lumoz and Ninety Eight, represents the first Proof-of-Work (PoW) Bitcoin Layer-2 Network, harnessing rollup technology to enable Turing-complete smart contracts for off-chain transactions.

Built upon OP Stack and Zero-knowledge (ZK) Fraud Proof technology, Orange Chain ensures compatibility with existing Ethereum tools while maintaining EVM equivalence through Optimistic Rollups technology. Moreover, it features the Sequence Hub network layer for decentralized ordering and the Oracle DA Hub network layer for decentralized data availability. Through zero-knowledge proof verification commitments and consensus, Orange Chain facilitates the presentation of fraud proofs by any challenger, leveraging Bitcoin's decentralization and consensus mechanisms for enhanced security. Supported by robust underlying service technologies and decentralized ZK computational power, Orange Chain delivers a secure, seamless, user-friendly, cost-effective, and efficient second-layer network solution for Bitcoin.

For increased security and stability, we have implemented a PoW mechanism for Orange. Miners can access and assist with computations permissionlessly. PoW, as the consensus mechanism of the Bitcoin network, plays a critical role in its long-term stable operation. We also aim to enhance Orange's security and stability by incorporating the PoW mechanism, inheriting the traits of security and stability from Bitcoin.

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