Orange Puzzle

The Orange Puzzle is a PoW puzzle designed to incentivize miners to generate ZK (Zero-Knowledge) proofs as solutions for the network. Unlike traditional PoW algorithms, the Orange Puzzle possesses the following three characteristics:

  1. ZK Prover as a Miner: Unlike traditional PoW algorithms where hash computations such as SHA256 are performed, Orange Chain utilizes ZKP calculations. Miners are incentivized to generate ZK proofs to meet the corresponding difficulty. These ZK proofs provide verifiable computational power to the chain and can be utilized in future applications such as ZK co-processors and ZKML.

  2. Smart Contract as a Verifier: Unlike the traditional PoW where solutions are verified in the consensus layer, Orange Chain employs smart contracts to verify ZK proofs and distribute rewards. This approach enhances the flexibility of PoW algorithm upgrades and tuning, reduces its impact on block production, and mitigates risks of forks and 51% attacks to the chain.

  3. Proof Validated, Prover Incentivized: All valid proofs are rewarded, contrasting with many PoW systems where only one valid solution per height or epoch is rewarded. As long as the proof is valid and meets the difficulty requirements, miners receive rewards.

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