Using Hardhat

This section is a guide on how to deploy a smart contract on the Orange Chain using Hardhat.

Hardhat is a popular smart contract development frameworks. It is used in the Orange rollup as a default for deploying and automatically verifying smart contracts.

Initial setup

  • Get some test BTC from Bitcoin Testnet faucet, and cross chain the test BTC from Bitcoin Testnet to Orange Chain Testnet by test bridge.

  • Install Hardhat and dependencies

  • Copy

npm install --save-dev ethers hardhat @nomiclabs/hardhat-waffle ethereum-waffle chai @nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers dotenv
  • Run npx hardhat init to init a new project, and you will be shown some options to facilitate project creation:

  • Copy

$ npx hardhat init
888    888                      888 888               888
888    888                      888 888               888
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888    888 888  888 888    Y88b 888 888  888 888  888 Y88b.
888    888 "Y888888 888     "Y88888 888  888 "Y888888  "Y888

Welcome to Hardhat v2.19.3

? What do you want to do? …
▸ Create a JavaScript project
  Create a TypeScript project
  Create a TypeScript project (with Viem)
  Create an empty hardhat.config.js
  • Open the hardhat.config.js file and paste the below code:

  • Copy


/** @type import('hardhat/config').HardhatUserConfig */
module.exports = {
    solidity: "0.8.9",
    paths: {
        artifacts: "./src",
    networks: {
        OrangeTestnet: {
            url: ``,
            accounts: [process.env.ACCOUNT_PRIVATE_KEY],

Add contract code and scripts

  • Create a new contract code file, in the contracts folder, named Storage.sol

  • Copy the below code and paste it in the Storage contract code:

  • Copy

//SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.9;

contract Storage {
    uint256 _count = 0;

    function set(uint256 count) public {
        _count = count;

    function get() public view returns (uint256){
        return _count;
  • Create a new file in the scripts folder deploy-storage.js

  • Add the code below to the deploy-counter.js file:

  • Copy

const hre = require("hardhat");

async function main() {
    const deployedContract = await hre.ethers.deployContract("Storage");
    await deployedContract.waitForDeployment();
        `Storage contract deployed to${}`

main().catch((error) => {
    process.exitCode = 1;
  • Before compiling the contract, you need to install the toolbox. You may need to change directory to install outside the project. Use this command:

  • Copy

npm install --save-dev @nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox
  • Compile your contract code (i.e., go back to the project root in the CLI):

  • Copy

npx hardhat compile
  • Now run the scripts:

  • Copy

npx hardhat run scripts/deploy-storage.js --network OrangeTestnet

Last updated